Clipper Interall is a trade name of Plato Group B.V., located in Helmond, a company registered in the Netherlands with registration number 17066765.


Article 1 Definitions
Clipper Interall's set of General Terms and Conditions consists of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery and these Terms and Conditions of Use. In addition to the list of terms in the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery, the following terms are understood to mean the following if used with an initial capital letter: (where singular is used, the plural is also meant and vice versa):

1.1 "Account": the user name and password that give the User access to the Client Portal.

1.2 "Offer": the Products offered by Clipper Interall, which can be qualified as the unilateral legal act of offering within the meaning of Section 6:217 of the Dutch Civil Code.

1.3 "Acceptance": the acceptance by the Client of the Offer of Clipper Interall, which can be qualified as the unilateral legal act of accepting within the meaning of Section 6:217 of the Dutch Civil Code, as a result of which a Contract is concluded within the meaning of Section 6:217 of the Dutch Civil Code. This acceptance does not have to be in Writing.

1.4 "Terms of Use": the most recent version of the present General Terms and Conditions of Use of Clipper Interall. Consultable via: (

1.5 "Day": calendar day.

1.6 "Clipper Interall": Clipper Interall is a trade name of Plato Group B.V., supplier of business gifts and promotional articles, registered in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 17066765, or any company affiliated with it.

1.7 "Order": an Order issued by the User to Clipper Interall regarding the delivery of Products offered by Clipper Interall. Hereinafter also referred to as "Order".

1.8 "User": any natural person or legal entity, registered with the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe, who has an Account and with whom Clipper Interall enters into the User Agreement or by whom Clipper Interall has been given an Order. Hereafter also referred to as "User".

1.9 "User Agreement": Agreement relating to the use of the Portal concluded at a distance between the Parties.

1.10 "Parties": Clipper Interall and the User.

1.11 "Portal": the business portal on Clipper Interall's website. The Portal allows the User to place orders, request samples and request quotations via the web shop.

1.12Product”: business gifts and other promotional products offered by Clipper Interall via the Portal on the website, including creative expressions on Clipper Interall’s website.

1.13In Writing”: by post or e-mail. 



Article 2 Applicability

2.1  These Terms of Use apply to all use by the User of his Account, the Portal and the website of Clipper Interall as a whole and form part of Clipper Interall's General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery. These Terms of Use also apply to third parties engaged by Clipper Interall.

2.2 The User's General Terms and Conditions are hereby expressly rejected.

2.3 Clipper Interall reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use unilaterally. The version that was valid at the time of the conclusion of the relevant Agreement/ Instruction/ Order between Parties is applicable each time. User is advised to regularly consult Clipper Interall's website and to check the Terms of Use for changes. If User continues to use the website after these Terms of Use have been amended, User thereby irrevocably accepts the amended Terms of Use. If User does not agree with the amended Terms of Use, the only option is to no longer use Clipper Interall’s website.

2.4 Stipulations or invalid provisions deviating from the Terms of Use will only be binding to Clipper Interall after Clipper Interall has agreed to them in writing. The other provisions of the Terms of Use remain in full force and effect. Where possible, invalid provisions will be replaced by an alternative provision whose purport corresponds as closely as possible to the original provision.

2.5 In the unlikely event that the Parties are unclear about the interpretation of one or more provisions of these Terms of Use, the interpretation must be in the spirit of these provisions.


Article 3  User Agreement

3.1 The Terms of Use will take effect from the moment that the User has created an Account for the Client Portal and accepted the Terms of Use.


Article 4  Usage

4.1 Those who use the User's Account guarantee that they are entitled to act on behalf of the User, are authorized to enter into Agreements or place Orders on behalf of the User and will act in accordance with these Terms of Use.

4.2 The User is responsible for the activities on the Portal, or at least the activities that are performed via the User's Account, including providing personal and/or company details and placing orders. Any use of the Portal is at the risk, expense and responsibility of the User.

4.3 The User is responsible for the security and protection of the Account and the User must therefore adequately protect the Account against unauthorized access and transfer. In order to ensure that access to and use of the Portal and the Account is in accordance with these Terms of Use, the User must take all necessary technical and organizational measures. In the event of unauthorized use or unlicensed use of his Account and/or the Portal and other forms of breach of the security of the Portal, the User must inform Clipper Interall without delay. In order to prevent unauthorized use, the User must always log out after a session. User is himself responsible for the distribution of the Account data within the organization and the use of the Portal and the data and content he provides via the Portal.

4.4 Clipper Interall shall make every effort to make the Portal available, but does not guarantee uninterrupted availability. Clipper Interall will make reasonable efforts to provide access to the Portal. However, Clipper Interall does not guarantee that the Portal and the Account will be accessible at all times and without interruptions or malfunctions. Nor does Clipper Interall guarantee that Information on the Portal is complete, correct and/or accurate. Malfunctions in the Portal may occur partly, but not exclusively, as a result of faults in the Internet or telephone connection or as a result of viruses or errors/breaks. Clipper Interall accepts no liability whatsoever in this respect.

4.5 Clipper Interall shall actively maintain the Portal in order to provide the best possible service. If maintenance is expected to result in any limitation of availability, where possible, Clipper Interall will carry out such maintenance at the time when use of the Portal is relatively low. Where possible, maintenance will be announced in advance. Maintenance in connection with calamities may take place at any time and will not be announced in advance.

4.6 The User may, at the discretion of Clipper Interall, its Account and/or the Portal:

  1. Not transfer to another person (natural person or legal entity);
  2. cause damage, make it inaccessible and/or render it inoperative;
  3. Not to use the Portal in such a way that the User can gain access to or make use of parts of the Portal that are not accessible to the User;
  4. Use the Portal only in a manner permitted by Clipper Interall;
  5. Copying, disassembling, decompiling or subjecting to reverse engineering;

4.7 The technical requirements and facilities necessary to make use of the Portal, including but not limited to hardware, Internet connection and the costs of using it, are for the User's own account.

4.8 Clipper Interall may, but is not obliged to, retain and store data or content of the User's Account.

4.9 When using the Portal, personal data relating to the User will be processed. Consult Clipper Interall’s privacy statement for more information.

4.10 The User shall indemnify Clipper Interall against all damage or loss arising from claims against Clipper Interall as a result of failure to comply with the conditions of this Article.

4.11 It is not permitted to use the Portal in a manner that contravenes any legislation or regulations whatsoever.


Article 5 Intellectual property rights

5.1 All intellectual property rights relating to documents supplied by Clipper Interall, such as but not limited to trademarks, models, photos/images on the websites and/or the Portal, which are used by Clipper Interall remain the intellectual property of Clipper Interall, even if the User has written permission to use these documents, mentally and physically, and may therefore not be used or supplied to third parties without the prior written permission of Clipper Interall.

5.2 The User acknowledges that all intellectual property and other rights relating to the Portal and all brands and logos are and remain the property of Clipper Interall and may not be used in any way by the User without the prior written permission of the latter. User will always fully respect the intellectual property rights of Clipper Interall and third parties.

5.3 Without prejudice to the other provisions of these Terms of Use, Clipper Interall retains the rights and powers vested in it by virtue of the Copyright Act.

5.4 The exercise of the aforementioned intellectual property rights - including publication, transfer, reproduction, distribution of data, all in the broadest sense of the word - is explicitly and exclusively reserved to Clipper Interall both during and after execution of the Agreement.

5.5 Information which the User publishes or stores via the Portal is and will remain the property of the User. Clipper Interall is entitled to use this information for the Portal and everything associated with it, including (external) advertising. This right of use applies for an indefinite period of time and therefore also after termination of the User Agreement.


Article 6 Liability and indemnity

6.1 User is fully responsible and liable for the use of the Account.

6.2 User fully indemnifies and holds Clipper Interall harmless for all damages and/or costs of any nature whatsoever resulting from the non-performance of one or more obligations under these Terms of Use.

6.3 In its activities under the User Agreement and these Terms of Use, User undertakes to fully comply with all applicable privacy laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation ('GDPR') and indemnifies Clipper Interall against all damage and/or costs of any nature whatsoever arising in connection therewith.

6.4 Unless there is intent and/or gross negligence on the part of Clipper Interall, the latter is in no way liable for damage and/or costs of whatever nature incurred by the User in connection with the use of the Portal and the Account, such as - but not limited to - damage and costs resulting from the improper functioning of the Portal and technical faults, etc.

6.5 In the event that the exclusion of liability as referred to in the previous paragraph of this Article is declared null and void in whole or in part by a competent court or is annulled, the Parties agree that the total liability Clipper Interall shall never exceed € 500.

6.6 The User indemnifies and holds Clipper Interall harmless against any claims from third parties, who suffer damage in connection with the execution of the Agreement and whose cause cannot be attributed to Clipper Interall.

6.7 A condition for the existence of any right to compensation is that the User reports the damage in writing to Clipper Interall no later than two months after the discovery of the damaging event.

6.8 In the event of force majeure, Clipper Interall will never be obliged to compensate the User for any damage caused by this. Force majeure includes disruptions or failures of the internet, the telecommunication infrastructure, power failures, domestic disturbances, mobilization, war, transport disruptions, strikes, lockouts, business interruptions, supply stagnation, fire and flooding.


Article 7 Duration and termination of the Agreement

7.1 By registering on the Portal/creating an Account, the User enters into a User Agreement with Clipper Interall. This User Agreement commences as soon as the User uses the Portal for the first time and then runs for an indefinite period of time and therefore remains in force until terminated by either Party. Parties may stop using the Portal at any time and terminate the Account.

7.2 In addition to the other (legal) remedies which Clipper Interall may avail itself of, Clipper Interall is entitled at all times - without giving reasons and without prior explanation and without the User being able to derive any rights from this:

  1. (temporarily) make User's information and content inaccessible;
  2. (temporarily) restrict, suspend, block or decommission the Account;
  3. temporarily or permanently stop and/or delete the Account;
  4. to make interim changes to the content of the Portal as determined by Clipper Interall;
  5. refuse to make the Portal accessible to the User, in particular - but not limited to - if the User acts contrary to these Terms of Use and/or if Clipper Interall is of the opinion that acts by the User may cause damage or liability to the User, third parties or Clipper Interall. Clipper Interall will in no way be liable or liable to pay damages to the User in this respect.

7.3 If use of the Account is terminated and/or if the User has terminated its Account, the Agreements which the User has concluded with Clipper Interall via the Portal will remain in full force.

7.4 All exclusions and limitations of liability and compensation, as set out in these Terms of Use, shall remain in force after termination of the Agreement.


Article 8 Force majeure       

8.1 Parties shall not be liable for any shortcoming, delay or non-performance that is the direct or indirect result of circumstances or causes beyond its control. The parties will inform each other of such a situation as soon as possible.


Article 9 Third party and transfer 

9.1 User is not entitled to transfer the User Agreement or one or more of its rights and obligations under the User Agreement without Clipper Interall's prior Written consent. A restriction on the transferability of rights of action as referred to in this article will have effect not only under the law of obligations but also under the law of property as referred to in Section 3:83 of the Dutch Civil Code.

9.2 Clipper Interall is permitted to transfer (in whole or in part) its rights and obligations under the Usage Agreement to a third party. By entering into the Agreement for Use, the User has agreed in advance to such a transfer and the User will cooperate fully (pursuant to Section 6:159 of the Dutch Civil Code).


Article 10 Applicable law and competent court

10.1 Any negotiations and Contracts with Clipper Interall are governed exclusively by Dutch law.

10.2 All disputes between User and Clipper Interall shall be exclusively resolved by the competent court of East Brabant, location 's-Hertogenbosch, unless another Dutch court is competent by virtue of mandatory law.

10.3 The Vienna Sales Convention (CISG) concluded in Vienna on 11 April 1980 is not applicable.





Clipper Interall is a trade name of Plato Group B.V., located in Helmond, a company registered in the Netherlands with registration number 17066765.


Article 1 Definitions
The following definitions (where the singular shall also mean the plural) are used in these General Terms and Conditions:

1.1 "Offer": Services and/or Products offered by Clipper Interall, which can be qualified as the unilateral legal act of offering within the meaning of Section 6:217 of the Dutch Civil Code.

1.2 "Acceptance": the acceptance by the Client of the Offer of Clipper Interall, which can be qualified as the unilateral legal act of accepting within the meaning of Section 6:217 of the Dutch Civil Code, as a result of which a Contract is concluded within the meaning of Section 6:217 of the Dutch Civil Code. This acceptance does not have to be in Writing.
1.3 "General Terms and Conditions": the most recent version of the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery of Clipper Interall.

1.4 "Day": calendar day.

1.5 "Service": the Services offered, or delivered, by Clipper Interall, including advice and services for (consumer) web shops.

1.6 "DDP": Clipper Interall delivers Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) (in accordance with Incoterms 2020). At the moment of delivery to Client, the risk in respect of the Products is transferred.

1.7 “Clipper Interall”: Clipper Interall is a trade name of Clipper Interall B.V., supplier of business gifts and promotional articles, listed with the Trade Register of the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce under number 17066765, or any company affiliated with it. The user of these General Terms and Conditions.

1.8 "Incoterms": international terms of delivery (International Commercial Terms) designed and published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) the world business organisation. Available on: The most recent edition of the Incoterms, as published by the ICC, is decisive for the explanation of the business terms in these General Terms and Conditions and the Contract.

1.9 "Instruction": an Instruction or order given by the Client to Clipper Interall regarding the delivery of Products and/or Services that are offered by Clipper Interall.

1.10 "Client": the legal or natural person who gives an Instruction or order to Clipper Interall, or accepts its Offer regarding the delivery of Products and/or Services offered by Clipper Interall.
1.11 "Client being Consumer": the natural person who is not acting in the exercise of his profession or business and enters into a (distance) Contract with Clipper Interall, or intends to do so (hereinafter also to be referred to as: "Client/Consumer").

1.12 "Contract": purchase contract and/or contract for services and/or contractor agreement and/or Distance Contract concluded between the Parties.

1.13 "Distance Contract": a contract whereby sole use is made of one or more remote communication technologies within the framework of a system organised by Clipper Interall for the distance sale of Products and/or Services, without the physical presence of the Parties, up to and including the moment that the Contract is concluded.

1.14 "Parties": Clipper Interall and the Client.

1.15 "Product": business gifts offered or delivered by Clipper Interall and other goods and items offered by Clipper Interall, including creative expressions.

1.16 “Print”: Decoration of Product by order of Client.

1.17 "In Writing": by post or email.


Article 2 Applicability

2.1 These General Terms and Conditions apply to all Orders made by Client, Clipper Interall’s quotes, order confirmations, applications, all negotiations between Clipper Interall and the Client, and to all Contracts concluded or to be concluded with the Client, as well as to the performance thereof. These General Terms and Conditions also apply to any third parties engaged by Clipper Interall.

2.2 The Client declares to have received a copy of these General Terms and Conditions - in hard copy or digitally - from Clipper Interall no later than the time that the Contract was concluded.
2.3 If the Distance Contract is concluded electronically, the text of the General Terms and Conditions shall be made available to the Client electronically, before the Distance Contract is concluded, in such a way that the Client can easily store it on a durable data carrier.

2.4 Any provisions deviating from these General Terms and Conditions shall only be binding on Clipper Interall following Written approval from Clipper Interall and solely for the Contract to which the said approval is applicable. The other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect.

2.5 Reference of the Client to the applicability of its own General Terms and Conditions is hereby explicitly rejected by Clipper Interall, unless such - on a case by case basis - has been expressly agreed in Writing.

2.6 Clipper Interall reserves the right to review the text of these General Terms and Conditions at any time and shall notify the Client of any amendments.

2.7 In the event of a conflict between the text of the General Terms and Conditions and the Contract, the provisions of the Contract shall prevail.

2.8 If, at any time, Clipper Interall does not (immediately) exercise its rights under the Contract and/or the General Terms and Conditions, it shall not affect its right and possibility to do so in the future for reasons of its own.

2.9 If any of the provisions in the Contract or in these General Terms and Conditions is declared void or unenforceable by any court or other body of competent jurisdiction, or is otherwise rendered so by any applicable law, that provision shall to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability be deemed severable and the other provisions of the Contract and the General Terms and Conditions shall continue to apply in full. The Parties shall then attempt to agree a new valid and enforceable provision as replacement which achieves to the greatest extent possible the same commercial effect as would have been achieved by the invalid or unenforceable provision.

2.10 If Clipper Interall concludes Contracts with the Client more than once, the present General Terms and Conditions shall apply to all subsequent Contracts, irrespective of whether they have (again) been explicitly declared applicable and/or Clipper Interall has (again) complied with its duty of disclosure.


Article 3 Offers and Contracts

3.1 All Offers of Clipper Interall, including the price lists, brochures and other information supplied with them by Clipper Interall, in any form, are subject to confirmation by Clipper Interall.

3.2 If an Offer subject to confirmation is accepted by the Client, Clipper Interall shall have the right to revoke the Offer within 2 Days of receipt of the Acceptance.

3.3 Images, catalogues, drawings, price lists, brochures and further information provided to or by Clipper Interall are subject to changes without prior notice being required and do not bind Clipper Interall.

3.4 Clipper Interall reserves the right to make changes in the products that are displayed in the catalogue, brochures, on the website, etc..

3.5 A Contract between Clipper Interall and the Client shall be concluded after the Offer of Clipper Interall and the Acceptance of that Offer by the Client.

3.6 Any agreements, oral or otherwise, made between the Parties after the Contract has been concluded shall only become effective after they have been confirmed in Writing by both Parties.

3.7 In the context of the performance of the Contract, Clipper Interall is entitled to engage intermediaries or third parties.

3.8 Agreements made with or undertakings made by subordinates of Clipper Interall, or intermediaries/or third parties engaged by Clipper Interall, shall only bind Clipper Interall if it has confirmed these agreements or undertakings in Writing to the Client.


Article 4 Prices

4.1 The prices stated in the Offer or the prices agreed with Clipper Interall apply exclusive of VAT, DDP (unless otherwise agreed), in the currency stated in the offer, and are based on the cost-determining factors applicable at the time of the offer.

4.2 The prices on the website of Clipper Interall are guiding and subject to change.

4.3 Clipper Interall is entitled to adjust the prices of the Products at any time.

4.4 Clipper Interall is entitled at any time to determine that certain goods shall only be delivered on the basis of a stipulated minimum quantity.


Article 5 Cancellations

5.1 An Order given may only be cancelled by the Client with the written consent of Clipper Interall. Clipper Interall may, by way of exception, accept a cancellation of the Order. If the Client nevertheless cancels an Order in whole or in part, it is obliged to reimburse Clipper Interall for all costs reasonably already incurred for the execution of this Order (preparation costs, orders from third parties, storage, commissions, etc.), Clipper Interall’s activities and loss of profit by Clipper Interall, plus VAT, all without prejudice to Clipper Interall's right to full compensation due to loss of profit, as well as any other damage or loss arising from cancellation.

5.2 Cancellation by the Client must be made in Writing to the address of Clipper Interall.

5.3 Clipper Interall may cancel an (already confirmed) Order for reasons of its own. Clipper Interall may in any event cancel an Order if (non-exhaustive): (i) there is an erroneous price (manifest error), (ii) Clipper Interall is convinced that it cannot guarantee the quality of the Order to be executed, (iii) Clipper Interall is convinced that the Order will not meet the Client's expectations and (iv) if Clipper Interall is convinced that the Order is discriminatory in nature and/or does not comply with Copyright and/or social standards and values. Clipper Interall shall notify the Client in Writing if it wishes to cancel the Order. If, in the situations referred to under (ii) and (iii), the Client nevertheless wishes the Order to be carried out, the Client's right of complaint, return and restitution will lapse.


Article 6  Advisory services and product development

6.1 Clipper Interall shall endeavour to represent the Client's interests to its best knowledge and ability and to act in an advisory role, if required.

6.2 Clipper Interall shall endeavour to treat any information made available by the Client as strictly confidential. The Client will maintain confidentiality with regard to all information that he becomes aware of regarding the business of Clipper Interall, its Products and/or Services. The confidentiality obligations of both Parties shall survive expiry and termination of the Contract.

6.3 In the event of a Contract for product development, advice regarding promotional Products to be used, advice regarding creative concepts, quotations for extensive projects with printed or non-printed Products, national or international market research on specific Products or Product Requests for Products not specified by Clipper Interall, the Client shall be obliged - in all cases that do not result in the actual delivery of Products by Clipper Interall - to pay for the work carried out by Clipper Interall in accordance with the hourly rate agreed between the Parties or, in the absence thereof, the usual rate maintained by Clipper Interall.


Article 7  Inspection of Products

7.1 If inspections have been agreed with the Client, these inspections shall take place in accordance with the agreed inspection methods, inspection procedures and inspection periods, or those to be agreed in time, or in the absence thereof, in accordance with Clipper Interall's general inspection method, procedures and periods. If any delay occurs due to the Client's actions, the delivery period may be adjusted by Clipper Interall.

7.2 If Clipper Interall has notified the Client within the agreed period, or at least in time, of the date of inspection, and the Client fails to comply with this invitation within 14 Days of the date of this invitation, the Products (/Services) are considered to have been approved.

7.3 Clipper Interall shall be given the opportunity to deal with the comments and objections of the Client regarding the inspection or test, before the Products (/Services) can be rejected or refused by the Client. Clipper Interall  must be notified in writing by the Client regarding comments and objections of the Client, if any, in respect of the Products (/Services) delivered after the inspection has taken place. If any comments and objections have not been reported in Writing to Clipper Interall within 14 Days of the date of the inspection, the Products (/Services) delivered are considered to have been approved by the Client.


Article 8 Deliveries and delivery time

8.1 The specified delivery times shall never be regarded as deadlines, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. In the event of non-timely delivery, the Client must give Clipper Interall notice of the default in Writing, and Clipper Interall must be given an additional reasonable term to proceed to delivery at a later date without being in default.

8.2 The delivery time begins at the last of the following times:

  1. the day that the Contract is concluded;
  2. the day of receipt by Clipper Interall of the necessary documents, data, permits, etc. required for the performance of the Contract;
  3. the day of receipt by Clipper Interall of the amount that must if necessary be paid in advance in accordance with the Contract;
  4. the day after receipt of the approval of the printing proof.

8.3 Clipper Interall reserves the right, if Products are especially manufactured or assembled for the benefit of the Client, to deliver and invoice a maximum of 5% more or less than the quantity agreed upon.

8.4 Clipper Interall is permitted to send Products in several consignments, and each consignment is considered to be a separate consignments and is payable separately.

8.5 Unless otherwise agreed in Writing, notwithstanding the previous provisions on prices, the prices quoted by Clipper Interall are based on delivery duty paid (DDP) exclusive of VAT and insurance.

8.6 Unless otherwise agreed in Writing, delivery of the Products shall take place DDP of Clipper Interall. The Products will be deemed to have been delivered by Clipper Interall and to have been accepted by the Client as soon as the Products are offered to the Client.

8.7 The time at which the items are made available to the Client DDP (unless otherwise agreed) is considered the time of delivery and the time when the risk with respect to the Products passes from Clipper Interall to the Client.

8.8 If the Client refuses to take delivery of the Products, the risk of the Products shall immediately pass to the Client and Clipper Interall can claim payment immediately. Clipper Interall shall store the Products at the expense and risk of the Client until further notice.

8.9 Unless otherwise agreed in Writing, transport shall take place at the risk and expense of the Client, even if the carrier has explicitly provided that all shipping documents must state that any and all damage or loss resulting from the transport shall be at the expense and risk of Clipper Interall.

8.10 Unless otherwise agreed in Writing, Clipper Interall shall choose the manner of transport and the means of transport to the best of its knowledge, yet without being liable for that choice. The transport costs are payable by the Client.

8.11 Delivery to an address indicated by the Client shall only take place if the Parties have reached Written agreement in advance on the additional costs and the terms and conditions involved.

8.12 The manner of packing, transport, shipment, etc. shall be determined by Clipper Interall, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise in Writing, nonetheless without Clipper Interall accepting any liability in this respect - notwithstanding a mandatory obligation to pay damages.

8.13 If Clipper Interall displays or provides a model, sample or example, this shall be for indication purposes only: the characteristics of the Products to be delivered may differ from the sample, model or example. The provisions in Article 7 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

8.14 If the Products are not collected by the Client after the delivery time has expired, Clipper Interall will store the Products at the Client's expense and risk. Clipper Interall shall not make the Products available to the Client until the additional costs of transport and storage have been paid by the Client. If the Products are not collected by the Client within 30 Days of the original delivery time, Clipper Interall shall have the right, after sending a demand, to dispose of the Products or to find another destination for them. The Client shall not have the option of bringing an action against Clipper Interall in that respect. Any proceeds thereof shall be credited to the Client after deduction of related costs, without prejudice to Clipper Interall’s right to claim full payment of the agreed price.


Article 9 Supply of printed Products

9.1 If the Contract relates to the sale and delivery of Products especially manufactured or assembled for the benefit of the Client, the Client shall be obliged to and responsible for the supply of directly reproducible materials, including logos, of good quality.

9.2 Clipper Interall is entitled to process, store and use the logos, brands and other visual material supplied by Client.

9.3 Clipper Interall is only obliged to send a printing proof for approval to the Client in advance, if such has been stipulated in Writing by the Client on the conclusion of the Contract. In that context, Clipper Interall shall be obliged to submit a printing proof to the Client no later than five weeks after the Contract has been concluded and after receipt of the materials to be reproduced.

9.4 Client's approval of the supplied printproof implies that Client has checked it. Clipper Interall is not liable for errors or defects of Print unnoticed by Client if an approved printproof does not correspond with Client's wishes. It is not possible to change an approved printproof, unless an exception is made in writing. (extra) Costs involved in any change are at the risk and expense of the Client.

9.5 All costs relating to printing shall be charged separately in accordance with the price to be specified in the Contract, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in Writing. These costs shall be stated in the invoice issued to the Client.

Article 10 Returns and Warranty

10.1 The Client is obliged to inspect the conformity of the Products delivered at the time of delivery. The Client should inspect whether, among other things, the quality and quantity of the Products delivered correspond to what has been agreed. 

10.2  Complaints from Client regarding non-compliance with the Order of the Products and/or Services delivered by Client will only be taken into consideration by Clipper Interall if and insofar as these complaints have been submitted to Clipper Interall in writing within a reasonable time, stating a description of the nature of the defect, whereby a period of 24 hours after delivery, or at least a period of 24 hours after discovery of the defect, will be considered a reasonable time until at the latest six months after delivery of the Products, which period will be considered an expiry period for complaints on Products. The expiry period for complaints on Print is three months.

10.3 Complaints regarding the calculated prices and other complaints regarding invoices must be submitted in writing to Clipper Interall within a reasonable period of no more than 7 days after the invoice date, stating a description of the nature of the complaint, which period is to be regarded as an expiry period. Subsequent complaints regarding the calculated prices and invoices will not be accepted. 

10.4 In the event of a complaint within the meaning of this article, Clipper Interall must be given the opportunity to investigate the merits of the complaint within 7 Days of its notification by Client, failing which any right to a warranty will lapse.

10.5 Complaints will not be dealt with if:

  1. there are minor deviations in quality, quantity, material, size, colour and other deviations that are deemed permissible in the sector; 
  2. there is a deviation of the Product from an image in Clipper Interall's catalogue, brochures and other promotional material;
  3. an incorrect and/or different expectation pattern on the part of the Client, while the Order has been carried out in accordance with the Client's instructions as laid down in the Order;
  4. there is a question of incorrectly ordered quantities, volumes and/or Products by the Client;
  5. a defect results from a drawing, sketch, design, specification, material or information provided and/or made available by the Client;
  6. The Client has repaired or processed the Product itself or has had it repaired or processed by third parties;
  7. The Client does not use the Product in accordance with the manual and/or instructions for use provided;
  8. the Product delivered has been exposed to abnormal circumstances, in the broadest sense of the word, or has otherwise been handled carelessly or contrary to Clipper Interall's instructions and not in accordance with generally accepted standards of workmanship.

10.6 In the event of justified complaints, Clipper Interall is free to choose between replacing the Products delivered free of charge or set off the amount of returned Products by means of a credit note, to the exclusion of any other form of (additional) compensation obligation, insofar as the complaint is submitted within the warranty period, whereby a warranty period of 3 months applies to Print and a warranty period of 6 months applies to Products.

10.7 Complaints, whether justified or not, submitted outside the warranty period do not qualify for consideration.

10.8 Returns can only take place with the explicit approval of Clipper Interall and at the expense of the Client. For returns that are not due to fault on the part of Clipper Interall, Clipper Interall will charge an amount of 25% of the net invoice amount (on top of the original invoice amount); Client is free to prove that the actual damage suffered is less. The latter does not apply if the return shipment is approved by Clipper Interall. Returns are at the expense and risk of Client and never imply any acknowledgement of liability for Clipper Interall.

10.9 A return shipment (approved by Clipper Interall) must take place within 14 Days after receipt of the complaint by Clipper Interall. Proof of the return must be provided within this period to Clipper Interall.             

10.10 In case of a recall, Client is obliged to cooperate with the instructions and / or imposed procedures of Clipper Interall and / or suppliers.

10.11 Clipper Interall assumes towards Client only the warranty which is mentioned in the warranty statement provided by Clipper Interall from Article 10.6 or in the case of "Brand" articles the warranty provided by the supplier, unless otherwise agreed in writing between Parties.

10.12 No warranty is given with regard to advice, preformed inspections and similar transactions carried out by Clipper Interall.


Article 11 Retention of title

11.1 If the Client has not fully complied with any obligation to Clipper Interall, the Products delivered pursuant to Section 3:92 of the Dutch Civil Code shall remain the property of Clipper Interall and also at the expense and risk of the Client. In such case, the Client is deemed to keep the Products for Clipper Interall until the time that it has fully complied with its obligations towards Clipper Interall.

11.2 As long as the ownership of the Products has not passed to the Client, he shall not have the right to alienate or lease the Products, or to encumber them with a security right in any way, unless and provided that it concerns the normal operations of the business, such with the Written consent of Clipper Interall, in which case the Client assigns its claims against third parties to Clipper Interall and shall provide the deed of assignment to Clipper Interall on demand. Clipper Interall may, at its discretion, request the establishment of an undisclosed pledge.

11.3 If the Client fails to meet his payment obligations, he shall be obliged, without further notice of default being required, to make the Products owned by Clipper Interall available, immediately on Clipper Interall's request. Clipper Interall and its employees shall then be entitled to enter the site of the Client to gain actual possession of the Products.

11.4 The Client must insure the interests of Clipper Interall in connection with the retention of title. The Client is obliged to compensate this interest in the event of a contingency and to assign his claim against his insurers to Clipper Interall on its request.



Article 12 Payment

12.1 Unless otherwise agreed in Writing and without prejudice to the provisions of the following paragraph, payments to Clipper Interall must be paid net within 30 Days of the invoice date which period shall be deemed to be a strict deadline. Delay or failure by the Client in respect of collecting the Products or complaints shall not affect this payment obligation.

12.2 Unless explicitly agreed otherwise, all payments from the Client, however made, shall first be used to set off against the costs, then to set off against interest due and finally to set off against the principal sum of the unpaid invoices.

12.3 Set off or any other form of settlement by Client shall never be permitted without an explicit Written agreement.

12.4 Clipper Interall is at all times entitled to require the Client to provide sufficient advance payment or security, at its discretion, for the fulfilment of the Client’s payment obligations, prior to delivery or to proceed to the delivery, whereby Clipper Interall is entitled to suspend further deliveries if the Client fails to meet this requirement, also in case a fixed delivery time has been agreed, without prejudice to Clipper Interall’s right to claim compensation for damages due to the late performance or non-performance of the Contract.

12.5 If the Client fails to pay within the agreed date for payment, the Client shall automatically be in default and have to pay interest to Clipper Interall equal to the statutory commercial interest as stipulated in Section 6:119a of the Dutch Civil Code.
The costs of extrajudicial collection must be fully reimbursed by the Client who is in default to Clipper Interall. The extrajudicial collection costs amount to 15% of the amount of the principal sum of the claim with a minimum compensation of € 150.

12.7 All Clipper Interall's outstanding receivables from the Client shall be immediately due and payable if the Client is in default, or in the event of liquidation, bankruptcy or an application for bankruptcy, the Client's admission to lawful debt restructuring pursuant to the Debt Management Natural Persons Act (Wet Schuldsanering Natuurlijke Personen), the Client's placement under guardianship, attachment or (temporary) moratorium of payments for the Client.

12.8 The Client must provide Clipper Interall with a correct VAT number. In the event that an incorrect VAT number is passed on by the Client, the Client will be liable for any damage suffered by Clipper Interall as a result. Clipper Interall shall reserve the right to charge the applicable VAT to the Client in respect of the Products/Services supplied.


Article 13  Liability

13.1 Except in the case of gross negligence or deliberate intent of the management or managerial subordinates of Clipper Interall, Clipper Interall shall only be liable for costs, damages or interest, arising as a result of actions or negligence by the aforesaid persons or any other subordinates of Clipper Interall, or of persons employed by Clipper Interall for the performance of the Contract, not exceeding the amount of the invoice value for the Products/Services delivered by Clipper Interall in connection with which the damage has arisen.

13.2 Any liability of Clipper Interall for loss of earnings or other indirect damage, suffered by the Client and/or third parties for whatever reason, is explicitly excluded.

13.3 If the Client resells, delivers, pledges Products/Services, in respect of which Clipper Interall has notified him that it doubts the quality, or if the Client transfers them or makes them available in another way, under whatever title, whether or not for free and whether or not for use, the Client shall be obliged to indemnify Clipper Interall against any claims from third parties for damage, incurred by, or in connection with the Products/Services delivered by Clipper Interall to the other party.

13.4 The Client shall be obliged to indemnify Clipper Interall for any cost and damage, which Clipper Interall could incur because third parties make a claim against it in matters where liability vis-à-vis the Client is excluded in these General Terms and Conditions.
13.5 All clauses in these General Terms and Conditions and in particular concerning the exclusion or restriction of the liability of Clipper Interall and concerning the indemnification of Clipper Interall against claims from third parties, have also been agreed for the benefit of those who are employed by Clipper Interall or third parties for whose actions or negligence Clipper Interall can be liable.
13.6 Insofar as not explicitly agreed otherwise in Writing, all legal claims pursuant to the Contract and these General Terms and Conditions shall lapse after one year of the delivery date.


Article 14 Force majeure

14.1 In the event of default by either Party in the performance of the Contract, for which the defaulting party cannot be held accountable, the performance of the Contract or of the relevant part of the Contract shall be suspended. The Parties shall notify each other of such situation as soon as possible. Only if such suspension has lasted for 3 months, or as soon as it is established that it shall last at least 3 months, each of the Parties shall be able to terminate the Contract, in full or in part, by registered letter with immediate effect, without the Parties being obliged to pay compensation to each other for any damage, without prejudice to the Client's obligation to pay Clipper Interall for the goods already delivered until the time of termination.

14.2 Non-attributable defaults on the side of Clipper Interall shall in any case include, but not be limited to:

  1. damage as a result of natural disasters and/or storm damage;
  2. war, danger of war and/or any other form of armed conflict, including terrorism or a threat thereof in the Netherlands and/or other countries, which impedes the delivery of goods or raw materials;
  3. strikes, forced business closure, revolt and any other form of disruption and/or obstruction caused by third parties, which impede the delivery of goods or raw materials;
  4. loss of or damage to goods on transport;
  5. illness of one or more employees who are difficult to replace;
  6. legislative or administrative government measures, which impede delivery, including import and export prohibitions;
  7. prohibition to deliver or impedance of delivery for Clipper Interall, imposed by organisations, institutions, groups or contractual forms of collaboration, which Clipper Interall is a member of or which it is part of;
  8. failure and/or disruptions in means of transport, production equipment or power supplies;
  9. fire or accidents at the company of Clipper Interall;
  10. non-or non-timely delivery to Clipper Interall by sub-suppliers;
  11. discontinuation of the supply of goods, raw materials and/or energy;
  12. epidemic and/or pandemic.

14.3 Without prejudice to other rights to which it is entitled, in the case of force majeure, Clipper Interall shall have the right, at its own discretion, to suspend performance of the order of the Client, or to terminate the Contract without judicial intervention, by notifying the Client thereof in Writing.

14.4 If Clipper Interall, in the event of force majeure, has already partially met its obligations, the Client shall have to pay the price due for this part to Clipper Interall.


Article 15 Termination

15.1 A Contract ends when completed, or at a time explicitly determined by the Parties.

15.2 If the Client remains in breach of its obligation to pay on the date for payment or any other obligations towards Clipper Interall, Clipper Interall shall be entitled, after a prior written notice of default, within a term of 14 Days, except in the cases where the Contract or the General Terms and Conditions contain a clear deadline for compliance, in which case the following applies immediately, to terminate the Contract, without prejudice to Clipper Interall's right to full compensation of cost, damage and interests.

15.3 Clipper Interall has the same authorisation as in Article 15.2, however without further notice of default being required, if the Client has applied for a provisional moratorium, or if its bankruptcy has been applied for, or if its goods are attached, in the event of discontinuation or liquidation of its business, or in the event of reduced creditworthiness of the Client in the opinion of Clipper Interall.


Article 16 Secrecy and Intellectual property rights

16.1 All information, in the broadest sense of the word, including but not limited to business information, which is focussed on specific characteristics of the Product/the Service or business of Clipper Interall (work process and pricing), which is provided by Clipper Interall to the Client in the context of the negotiations or the Contract is strictly personal and confidential.

16.2 If negotiations between the Parties do not result in a Contract, the Client shall not be entitled to use the information provided by Clipper Interall in any way, in the broadest sense of the word, and the Client shall return all information and all data (carriers), in the broadest sense of the word, as well as all images, drawings, sketches, photos, prototypes, models, mood boards, etc. to Clipper Interall as soon as possible, and immediately destroy all copies made thereof.

16.3 All intellectual property rights regarding the documents provided by Clipper Interall, i.e. drawings, sketches, schemes, samples, formats, tools, photos, designs, working methods, presentations, advice, images, prototypes, models, mood boards, printed matters, files, websites, brochures, catalogues, etc. provided by Clipper Interall shall remain the physical and intellectual property of Clipper Interall, also if they have been made available to the Client and irrespective of the contribution made to their realisation by the Client or third parties engaged by the Client, and may therefore, except with the prior written permission of Clipper Interall, not be used for any other purpose than for the performance of the Contract between Clipper Interall and the Client.

16.4 Notwithstanding the other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, Clipper Interall shall retain the rights and powers that Clipper Interall is entitled to pursuant to the Copyright Act.

16.5 The exercise of the aforesaid intellectual property rights - including publication, transfer, reproduction, distribution of data, all in the broadest sense of the word - both during and after the performance of the Contract - is explicitly and exclusively reserved for Clipper Interall.

16.6 The Client shall indemnify Clipper Interall against claims from third parties relating to intellectual property rights relating to goods, logos, pictorial marks, etc. originating from Client.

16.7 Clipper Interall shall grant the Client a user licence with regard to its advice in accordance with the agreed purpose.

16.8 From the moment that the Products, designs, working methods, presentations, advices, formats, images, drawings, sketches, photos, prototypes, models, mood boards, printed matters, files, websites, brochures, and catalogues, etc. are delivered, Clipper Interall is entitled to use these for its portfolio, publicity and promotion, as well as to show them at exhibitions.

16.9 Information provided by the Client to Clipper Interall remains the property of the Client. Clipper Interall is entitled to use this information for the purposes of the Order and everything related thereto, including (external) advertisements. That right of use is valid for an indefinite period of time and therefore also after termination of the Contract/Order.


Article 17 Penalty clause

17.1 For any infringement of Articles 7.1, 11.2 and 16 of these General Terms and Conditions and the obligations contained therein, the Client shall forfeit to Clipper Interall, without further notice of default or judicial intervention being required, an immediately payable fine of €950 per infringement, which is not subject to setoff or moderation, plus an amount of €100 for every day the infringement lasts, without prejudice to the right of Clipper Interall to full compensation of damages as a result of the infringement by the Client and the right of Clipper Interall to claim performance.


Article 18 Third party and transfer

18.1 Client is not entitled to transfer the Contract or one or more of its rights and obligations under the Contract without Clipper Interall's prior Written consent. A restriction on the transferability of rights of action as referred to in this Article will have effect not only under the law of obligations but also under the law of property as referred to in Section 3:83 of Book 3 of the Dutch Civil Code.

18.2 Clipper Interall is permitted to transfer (in whole or in part) its rights and obligations under the Contract to a third party. By entering into the Contract, Client has agreed in advance to such a transfer and Client will render full cooperation to such transfer (pursuant to Section 6:159 of the Dutch Civil Code).


Article 19 Applicable law and competent court

19.1 Any negotiations and Contracts with Clipper Interall are governed exclusively by Dutch law.

19.2 All disputes between the Client and Clipper Interall shall be exclusively resolved by the competent court of Oost-Brabant, in 's-Hertogenbosch, unless another Dutch Court is competent under mandatory law.

19.3 The Vienna Sales Convention (CISG) concluded in Vienna on 11 April 1980 is not applicable.


Article 20 Identity of CLIPPER INTERALL

  1. 1.    Name of entrepreneur: Plato Group B.V.
  2. 2.    Trade Name: Clipper Interall
  3. 3.    Business and physical address: Haverdijk 5, 5704 RC Helmond, Business park. 9545 (the Netherlands)
  4. 4.    Phone number: + 31 (0) 492 530 230
  5. 5.    E-mail address: [email protected]
  6. 6.    Registration number: 17066765
  7. 7.    VAT ID: IE 3742270AH





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